Monday, January 5, 2009

Nieces and Nephew

We love having our nephew, Braiden and neices, Courtney and Ashley visit because we get to do a lot of fun things with them. When they got in Cedar, the first thing they wanted to do was come and see the puppies. We laughed when little Ashley would try and sneak up to a puppy and pet it, but once the puppy would turn towards here she would start screaming and run as the puppy followed. She was so cute with them!
After the visit, Courtney kept hinting around about taking a puppy home but her mom was always quick to say "I dont think so". The kids sure did love playing and chasing the puppies all over the house.
We also went tubing a couple of times while they were here just before the snow started to melt off. The first time we went to the hill behind Cal Ranch because we thought it would be best for the kids, but they even thought it was a bit too small for a tubing hill. Next time, we went in the hills of Fiddler's Canyon. Everyone had a blast! After the kids saw Bryan, Eric, and Mark go down a couple times they got brave and started going down by themselves. I was surprised how fast they got going and how much they loved doing it. The last run of the day Bryan took Courtney down on his lap and when they hit the bottom of the hill they had a major wipe out and that ended the day. Courtney ended up with a little snow burn on her face but she was ok in the end and everyone was worn out and tired when we got home. It was fun having everyone here for the holidays, but it's always sad to see everyone leave and have to return back to our everyday life. HAPPY NEW YEAR!


MEG said...

You SNEAKY little thing! When were you going to tell me you had a blog?! I'm excited to keep up with you this way - I miss you a lot. Dan and I are going to try to pick up hiking this summer so we will most likely take a trip to Cedar to see you...and then go to Zions. Want to come?

MEG said...

P.S. I like Mark's hair long - very cute.

And will you email me your address?

Johnsons & Johnsons said...

Hey Tiffany and Mark I love your blog! Contrats on your new home! It looks beautiful! Hope all is well! Keep in touch!

The Walkers said...

Cute background! You guys need an update. Mark, I'm talking to you! :)

Bradley said...

It's time to update!!!